Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today is my big boys birthday. He is 6 today. He is growing up way too fast. We have been through so much in the 6 years together. They grow up faster than we want them to and then sometimes life makes them.  Most of you know that H has Juvenile Diabetes. We found out when he was 3.
He has to check his blood sugar 6 to 10 times a day.
He now has a a pump so that he doesn't have to take the shots any more. 

We pray to find a cure.

We have very scary day when thing just don't go like they should. Like yesterday and blood sugar was 408 and the pump was beeping no delivery. And then we have good days and you almost forget about it, but Diabetes will never let you for get because it never sleeps or rest. It is always there. But through all of this stuff he is one great boy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM HUNTER!!! LOVE YOU BOY!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

We will make it!?!

Yesterday H got up and was itching on his neck and back. NOT good.  So we take a look and yes it is a rash. It doesn't look very good.  Checked is BG and he was fine. SO I waited. It was Saturday and Dr. office is closed.
A little later I walk in the room and H is rubbing his back and head on the sofa. I tried not to laugh but it was very funny. But he looked very sad. So off to the Urgent Care place. We have been there before but not with H.
It was a good visit all went well.  Found out that H has Strep throat.
It is not going to be a good week at all. He hates taking medicine about as bad as changing his pump. Maybe even worse!

I just hope no one else has it or gets it. One is enough. The kids have had strep before. So much I thought that it would never leave. I even got it one time. It was not fun at all. But never have any of them had a rash before.
It got on his ears and face too. It looked so bad. The Dr said that it was ok all normal. BG was around 300 so now we are going up and fast. Little did she know nothing is normal at our house.